Check out our February newsletter HERE!

Children who are deaf or hard of hearing benefit from peer interactions. Sharing lived experiences help children maintain a positive self image, learn advocacy skills and make lifelong friends. Providing an adult role model who is deaf or hard of hearing is an integral part of the program that promotes positive self-esteem and a “can do” attitude.

Regional K-5 Student Groups

Peer social groups are established based on the number of students within a one-hour commute of designated sites.

Experiential learning activities such as games, journaling, role playing, art projects, problem solving, small group discussions and assistive technology demonstrations are designed to build advocacy and communication skills, self-esteem, leadership, personal awareness and a strong, positive identity as a deaf or hard of hearing individual.

Middle School/High School Student Groups

Groups of students from grades six to twelve meet for two consecutive days (one overnight) with deaf and hard of hearing peers from all over the state for a total of 24 hours of fun. Our program provides a stimulating context for building friendships and self-advocacy skills, expressing thoughts and feelings, and sharing cooperative learning experiences.  Activities may include: games, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, camping out, rock climbing and other activities in the great outdoors.

Three two-day sessions a year are offered and students are strongly encouraged to attend all three sessions to reap the greatest benefit from the program.

Language Access Commitment

Each child’s preferred language and approach to communication is accommodated and respected. Interpreters, Cued Speech transliterators, and hearing assistive technologies are an integral part of all our programs.

Refer a Student