Mackworth Island Preschool will close at 12:30PM today, March 24, 2025.

See News section below for school site collaborations info for the 2025-2026 school year.

Upcoming Events

Although we are pleased to share events from our affiliates, we are only able to guarantee the accuracy and suitability of events sponsored by MECDHH/GBSD. For news and more detailed information about events, subscribe to our newsletter HERE!

Events Calendar by Month

2024-25 Basketball Schedule

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MECDHH/GBSD Weekly Caregiver Zoom Connection

This week: Open parent discussion Please join MECDHH/GBSD's Shana Kelley-Cohen, LCSW, and Early Intervention providers in this connection group for caregivers of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Zoom /meeting room # 819 9833 3758 For more information, contact Amy Spencer:

MECDHH/GBSD Board Meeting

The next board meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 28 at 5:30pm, Stodder Hall, Rm. 57, University of Maine, Orono, and over Zoom (see link below). Zoom link Meeting ID: 598 570 9311 Passcode: 12345 The agenda can be found HERE. Upcoming board meetings: May 1 - MECDHH/GBSD Cafeteria, Falmouth & Zoom June 5 - MECDHH/GBSD […]

MECDHH/GBSD Seagulls FREE Basketball Clinic

For Deaf and Hard of Hearing athletes of all backgrounds! Bring a sibling or buddy with you! Learn: basketball skills, character development, ASL basketball concepts and signs. For: Girls age 6-10 Boys age 11-15 Register Now!  

MECDHH/GBSD Power of Peers – York County

Join MECDHH/GBSD’s Power of Peers (POP) Events! for kids grades K-8 Power of Peers (POP) provides students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing an opportunity to get together, share common experiences, and develop a greater understanding of their own hearing levels and hearing assistive technology. Often students are the only or one of the […]

MECDHH/GBSD Weekly Caregiver Zoom Connection

This week: Open parent discussion Please join MECDHH/GBSD's Shana Kelley-Cohen, LCSW, and Early Intervention providers in this connection group for caregivers of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Zoom /meeting room # 819 9833 3758 For more information, contact Amy Spencer:
